Twilight Obsession Confuses Me

Please someone, anyone explain to me the obsession over Twilight? I mean, it was a good book in all but seriously saying “Edward Cullen is going to be my husband” or “I’m a vampire”is a little much, isn’t it? I’m not saying that you’re a bad person for saying those things (just keep that in mind before you write hate comments) and I completely respect all of you but when you say those things (if you are obsessed) do you keep in mind that Edward Cullen is a fictional character? Why don’t you say “Robert Pattinson is going to be my husband?” or something along those lines. Why do you insist on falling for a fictional character whom you have no chance with? Please tell me.

P.S. I also do like the books and I do like Jackson Rathbone but I'm not obsessed.
January 11th, 2009 at 08:09pm