I was so scared!!

When things go wrong you realise you need to live life to the full.
Treat people nicer, believe in yourself and tell the people you love that you love them.

That's what I need to do.

On Sunday the 11th of January 2009.
I was in a car accident.
It was me, Jaimee and Amber,
We were driving down the road just having fun and talking but all of a sudden,
We lost control and spun out.
We rolled and went straight into a ditch.

It was the scariest thing of my life.
But at least I have a story to tell my grand children.

We were okay, just a few cuts, bruises and bumps.
I don't know what I would have done if one of us had died.

We walked to Kates and Murrays and they were great, they cleaned us up and went to get the car.

We were so scared!
I called my mum and she came down.
She was angry but was happy that we were okay.
Amber stayed there but we took Jaimee home.

I tried not to cry, I tried to stay strong in front of my friends.
But when I got home I cried my eyes out.

I realise that these things happen,
But I didn't think it would happen to me this soon.

Just remember to be nice to everyone and live life how you want because you
never know when it could end.....

January 11th, 2009 at 08:36pm