Marley & Me

Okay, my sister Claire and my cousin Kelsey made me go see Marley & Me with them the other day. Both Claire and Kelsey have seen the movie before, so they knew how it ended.

They'd both told me the ending was sad, and that they'd cried. This concerned me, because it's one thing to go to this kind of movie with your girlfriend/boyfriend so that they/you can comfort them.

So, the movie got to the ending part and Kelsey's crying silently, while Claire is bawling very loudly. This old lady next to me leans over and says "Can you please comfort your girlfriend?" I just kind of stare at her. Then I say "Um, that's my sister." And the old lady just kind of rolls her eyes and goes back to the movie.

And I was just like okay then. So I started paying attention to the movie, and then I start crying too. Then the movie ends and Claire sees that I was crying and she's like "I told you you would cry!" and her eyes are all red from crying. Kelsey just starts laughing.

The movie was really good though. I thoroughly enjoyed it. If you haven't seen it, you should.
January 11th, 2009 at 08:58pm