
ok.. Before i never really knew what love felt like.. not the love for your parents or friends but the love for a boyfriend... and well... now i do.... and im scared to lose it.. I mean he says that he's gonna be with me for a lloooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnggggggggg time.. and i really hope thats true... hes just ssoooooooooooo amazing... when he holds me i never want him to let go.. when we are together and we have to leave.. i wanna stay right where we are.. when im with him i want time to stand still so i can be in that moment forever.. he's mine.. and i hope thats the way it stays... He gives me butterflies.. and he even still makes me nerves sometimes... he just holds a certain power over me its wierd.. but in a good way...

I love him Soooooooooooo much!
January 12th, 2009 at 05:01am