A Rant.

Do you know what really grinds my gears?*1
My mother. She thinks she's so high and mighty because she went to college for jewelry and then moved to New York for a while to work, oh great! She always talks about everything she does being "high end". And I just heard her on the phone saying something like, "Yeah, mom thinks I'm some kind of loser. No one in [insert town here] does anything like I do!" Yeah mom, because you're so damn high up on the social scale. I mean, gawd, calm down! It really just bothers me. All she is, is a small business owner in a small town in the smallest state, and just because she buys knock off shit from those illegal stores in china town while going to jewelry trade shows in NYC, she thinks shes a freaking celebrity. No, mother. You're not. And then when I say something about how she isn't, she PMS's all over me! She's so freaking pretentious! Its completely ridiculous.

Next on the list!
Everyone else's parents.*2 They always hate me. For a reason I am unaware of. I tend to keep my swearing to a minimum and yes, I act dumb around my friends but so does everyone else.
Or maybe its by appearance? So what if I enjoy to wear black black black one day and then rainbows and skinny jeans the next? Don't judge a book by its cover, bud. Maybe its because I'm slightly "bigger"? Or maybe its because of my views on life?*3 (which I don't know how they'd find out about anyway.) Or maybe its because they think I'm "corrupting" their children? My friends change on their own free will. I don't hand Tessa a crack pipe and say "GET ADDICTED!" and then like, force her to smoke it at gunpoint. Although, crack is whack so that would probably never happen anyway. But seriously...what is it with the adults I know and being stupid pricks and/or pedophiles? I say pedophiles because half the male teachers in my school seem like they are (coughpetinchepedooztuskcoughhhhhh). But then again, its mostly the students that make them seem like pedos, but whatever.

And number three!
My brother.
He went away to college last year. He left being a little tubby wearing a cheap Macy's shirt and khakis. He came back skinny wearing a $100 pair of Ruehl jeans and a Hollister shirt.
Next time, $150 Ruehl jeans, Burberry shirt.
What happened? His rich roommate Evan*4 happened.
He came back a pretentious, yet poor college student who cared more about his appearance than about normal human crap. He literally spent alllllll of his money on expensive clothes. I mean, I understand caring about your appearance, I'm a fucking girl...but he's got to be metrosexual or something by now. And he's just kind of an ass about it. He tells me I need to make better clothing choices...wth? I shop at four main stores, Pac Sun, Delia's, Alloy, and H&M. I'd say thats a good mix, wouldn't you? So he's a pretentious prick also. Whats with my family and pretentiousness? Can that run through genes? Whatever.

Woah damn, I'm whiny. Sorry.

*1: I thought that was an appropriate starter for this. Nothing better than a little Family Guy to start up a rant.

*2: Tessa, its not just your's, believe me.

*3: This includes anti-racism, loving those gay kids, being pro-choice, and being completely and utterly confused about all religions except for Margaretism.

*4: Who strangely reminds me of someone who should have played Edward in the movie.
January 13th, 2009 at 03:23am