Finally Over It

Well the day has finally come, although i never thought it would. I can finally be free from you and the curse you put on me for the past year and a half. I can finally not care what you think about me or the music i listen to or the friends i have. i dont have to change myself for you to like me anymore. i can be me. The me that i was before i ever met you. I liked that me, i didnt like the person you forced me to be. I cant belive i FINALLY get to say this stuff and mean it. I love this feeling of having my life back and having that freedom i once had. I dont have to worry about you probelms anymore. I dont have to be involved with all that supid drama you say you hate but you always create. Im loving my life right now. Which hardly ever happens to me. I cant even remember the last time i actually wanted to be away from you. Now i dont have that urge to be near you all the time. I dont have that feeling that drags me back to you everytime you brake my heart. WHo knows? maybe you broke it one too many times and now its permantly broken. Or maybe i changed and you changed and were different people. Either way im happy. i can smile again, i can laugh again, i can breathe again. I hated what i did to make you notice me. I hated the person i became. I caused pain to those around me that could have easliy been avoided. I made the same mistakes over and over again. But thats the past and im trying to make the future a little brighter. And since you wont be in my future its already looking a whole lot brighter.
January 13th, 2009 at 04:05am