This has nothing to do with anything at all.

I have no idea what I’m doing with my life.
I’m depressed and
its not getting better.
The only time that I’m happy is
when I’m talking to this guy that I met.
I’ve only met him two days ago, but we’re so…
good together.
He’s older, though.
Of course he is.
My mother’s flipping out because older boys mean
drugs and sex.
But we just…
Differently than any other guy I’ve ever talked to.
He even learned my song.
He protected me at the show we met at.
He’s the sweetest thing.
And he makes me smile.
But how long can that last?
He’s off at college
All the time.
He only comes in once or twice month.
If that.
And today my mother
hacked my face book page.
And read my “20 Random Facts about Me” note
You know the one.
You put twenty random facts about you.
And then tag 20 people to do the same.
And the chain goes on and on.
And she read that I can’t see myself doing
Anything other than touring with my band.
And she flipped out.
She says its not the proper way
for a girl to live.
Since when have I been a normal girl?
She says I have no passion
For music.
That I put no effort toward anything I do.
She doesn’t know me.
You don’t even know me.
You’re wasting your time reading this.
Thank you for taking time out of your life
To pay attention to mine.
I haven’t been able to eat lately.
And I’m starving.
But when I look at food
It makes me sick.
This whole thing is one
With terrible grammar.
Please excuse it.
January 13th, 2009 at 04:07am