Hello world!

So yeah, I'm Fi and this is my very first journal entry. *Congradulates self for finally getting round to this* If you wanna know the basics check my profile. But beware- I've had this for a few months and it still has nothing done to it cept the about me. Why? Because I have no idea how to change the background or anything..I feel like such a noob! XD
Anyways the real reason for this was to ask if anyone wanted to penpal with me?? I love penpalling (is that a word??) but I only have one... :( So if you wanna make my day and chat , comment below or somewhere! I don't care about a/s/l...just no rapists, pedophiles, homophobes, racists or stalkers. K? :P

Maybe I'll be back soon.
Till then...<3 lovage <3
January 13th, 2009 at 08:10pm