
I really enjoy Gojira. Honestly, I've yet to find a metal band as pretentious as them. It's excellent. Also, I'm glad my Bio course is almost done. I really have to get those course switching forms filed to get into music. No more diluted physics for me.

I've been looking at programs at Concordia, and I think I'd really like to do Film Production. It's a rather prestigious film program, so that'd be cool. I have to build up a slightly larger profile though, I don't think I have 6 minutes of Concordia-worthy footage to my Directing name, sadly. Also, the girlfriend is going there...So I feel slightly obligated.

I can't wait to be an adult and make no money. Honestly, I don't need to live comfortably as long as my job is good. If I'm going to spend upwards of 30 hours at it a week, I want it to be something I love. I'm terrible at staying on task with things that don't interest me. Case in point : Biology.

I've also appreciated the recent onslaught of Trent fans who talk to me. Seriously, you guys are the bomb and actually have opinions (WHAT?!?!) about things in the world and conflicts. It's nice to know this site isn't just the usual, drivel-spewing, under-aged hipsters.

Thanks if you took time out of your day to read about my boring life escapades.

January 14th, 2009 at 12:11am