I Need Helpppp!

Okay, I have realized that most of the layouts on the premade layouts page, are... a little on the girly side, though there are some guy ones too.

Buttttt... I was wondering if someone would be a sweetie, and make me one? I'm not too picky, but I think a custom made one would look awesome :]

I like blue and black, and... the bands I like are on my profile in the About Me section. Hmm... other then that, I don't really have a preference. Just... one thing though. I'd like the comments to be in a smaller font then they normally are.

If anyone could do this for me, I'd love you forever! I'm so not joking either. I'd really appreciate it if someone could do that for me. If you can, comment here, on my page, or message me. Either one is good enough.

So.... thanks!
January 14th, 2009 at 04:46am