Oh, Noes! The Economy is Failing!

I'm an getting sick of the news now. Yes, our country is going to the dogs, must you remind us every hour?
I was reading some news(trying to avoid the news, but reading it? Hm...) and there was, or is, an advert coming out saying, "Mums eyes, Dads nose, Gordon Browns' debt...Every child born will be born with £17,000 worth of debt."

No one has money to spend when the government want us to 'boost the economy' because they've taken it all through taxes, so they lose their rag and raise taxes, once more, to FORCE us to pay more.

I actually refuse to pay for money a person who is meant to be logical enough to run a country has borrowed and can't pay it back. I really do. He may aswell have a shopping spree on OUR money. He's asking for money on behalf of millions of people who, the majority, don't want. And he personally has no intention to chip in his share. He thinks that 'giving away £150' to people who are on a 'low rate' will rescue every family out there. Here's half the solution: cut benefits for people who refuse to work.
I don't mean the people who are disabled, they have every right to stay our of work if they are seriously disabled.
On TV there was a man with a disease, er, I think it was a disease which makes them into 'human statues', and he was desperate to work, but he was worried that his disability benefits would be cut if he did and he couldn't pay on the wage alone. In the end, he got the job he wanted and his benefits weren't cut. THEY should be allowed benefits. Not people like my neighbour who stay at home all day, the wife going to health farms every few weeks, taking his one kid swimming, free house, no bills, nothing they have to pay, AND they still complain! Life doesn't get any sweeter that what they have! He's 'disabled', oh, please. He's mowing his fucking lawn every 4 hours to see if there's some eye candy around. It's disgusting, THEY'RE disgusting. There was a journal on here about someone's Mother going to University and getting benefits but she was still getting the stigma attached to having benefits, they're the people that should have benefits, she's trying to better herself, that's great. Atleast she's working hard.

I'm going to work in a few months and I plan to be debt free until I buy a house or something and I don't see any change in that for the sake of what, what has this country personally done for me? Education? Taxes. A house? My pocket. A job? My hard work. So what has this country done for any other taxpaying citizen? Not alot. I'm moving as far away as I can from this country to a place where it's every man for themselves. That, or Japan...
I know this journal seems a little self centered with the 'what has this country done for me?' part, but when you think about it, really what has this country done for you?

Argh, I'm not watching the news again until we're somehow rescued from the 6ft of dirt and cement we've been put under. Just had to rant one last time about this.
January 14th, 2009 at 08:04pm