ln need of ideas~HALP!

Ok so I've been bumping this idea I had around.
It was sparked by something Damon said at SxSW.
"We can never forget New Orleans." He sounded very sweet , like he cared about us , when he said that, and the clueless 'tards around me laughed. Anyhow..New Orleans during Mardi Gras is a wonderful back drop for a movie story. I just don't know how to start it..Do I use first person or narrative? Do I write about the city, like it was a person? I just stare at the blinking cursor. And I feel weird about coming up with names. How do you do that? Maybe a name would help me find the rest of the story. I kinda like the name Lillith, but it's so formal..

this is escapism at it best by the way.
January 15th, 2009 at 09:40pm