Concerts and Bands

Concerts are amazing. If you are into music, I mean into it. Can’t live without it. Can’t go a few hours without hearing a song. Look up songs from movies or tv shows just to know who made it.

You need to attend them.

If you are wary, just give it a try.

Concerts/shows are my favorite thing in the world. I don’t think there is anything more fun than seeing one of your favorite bands or discovering a new band live. You really get to see how talented or untalented they are. Concerts/shows are why rock music is the best. Bands make their career on the road. Bands don’t just form and send out some stuff to a label and have a CD produced in a few months and are on MTV.

They start out small and play at places where most people wouldn’t venture. Do they do it just to get rich? Some I’m sure that is their goal. Most don’t get rich. Most don’t even last for a few years, if that. There are very few Coldplay’s, Green Day’s, and U2’s. These people know how to play music and let out their emotions & creativity via song.

Even when a band is famous or has a few fans, they don’t make much from record sales. They tour to make money. They perform for their fans who want to experience and connect with them. Music means a lot to people and they bring it to you.

So go see a band if you like them. Let them know you want them to keep on creating music that gets you through a horrible day, week, month, or year. Whatever you like about the band or their songs, they need your support and I’m sure want to play for you. If they didn’t why would they make music?
January 16th, 2009 at 01:29am