My Chemical Romance Concert 4-20-08

(It deffinetly felt good to write this.)

This is delayed by almost an entire year. I’ve been meaning to do this ever since the day it happened, but I could never get to it! I’m ashamed but I still had to write it! Enjoy!

It’s about ten minutes before seven and Drive By decides to grace us with their presence a little early. After several hours of waiting in line and casually working our way to the front of the mosh, my sister and I were totally ready for some music. People started screaming (like always) and there was some minor shoving. It was like a moving ocean of people! Drive By proceeded to play only a short set before they announced their epic announcement. They would go back into the lobby and sign stuff while selling their CD for only five dollars! I thought that no one would leave their spots in front of us to go and get their stuff signed, but it turns out I was wrong! After they finished their last song, four people that didn't seem to be together in any way left from their spots! My sister and I used our vicious reflexes to snatch up a spot big enough for one of us. We managed to make it big enough for both of us though^^

A thirty minute now stood ahead of us, thirty minutes until Billy Talent would be coming on. During this wait, a few college kids decided to talk to my sister. They were talking about starting a mosh pit and "killing" everyone once Billy Talent came on. For some reason, they then turned to my sister and said, "Except her, let's not kill her because she's cool," which was a first for her! (Kidding siss, kidding!) They ended up being really cool! Half of them were there for My Chemical Romance and half of them were there for Billy Talent. We talked about our MCR obsessions to pass the time, this way the wait was a lot shorter!

As soon as Billy Talent started, people shoved and pushed and screamed since they obviously quite a few more fans the Drive By did. To be completely truthful, neither my sister nor I knew a single word to a single song! Never mind that, we still bounced and rocked out to the music as hard as we possibly could! Billy Talent rocks let me tell you.

So then came along my least favorite part of the entire show... the half hour between Billy Talent and My Chemical Romance. I thought I was going to tear my hair out after the first four minutes. They ended up coming on one minute and fifty two seconds early... I was barely aware of how pathetic it was that I was counting the seconds down.

The lights dimmed as a screen dropped from the works. Printed on it in white letters was 'My Chemical Romance' in the painted logo. Everyone screamed and charged forward, bending me in half over the bar, but I hardly noticed. Some of the other fans and I were full out crying, and we hadn't seen more then a few of the boys' silhouettes.

Dear James Dewese began to play the piano intro for "Welcome to the Black Parade" and the crowd flipped out even more... but it was nothing compared to what happened next. Suddenly, a spot light came from the heavens the tech booth and shown through the screen, onto Gerard Arthur Way.

Lush black hair fluffed and combed over his face, tight black skinny jeans and a worn jean jacket with the MCR medusa logo printed on the back. Microphone in his right hand, he arm-danced to the piano while still only visible through the screen. It was the most perfect moment of my life.

The screen raised and Gerard walked forward and raised the microphone to his lips to sing. His voice carried beautifully through the room, he sounded even better live. No amount of listening to live records or watching live DVDs could have half was prepared me for what I was hearing. My heart leapt from my chest to my throat and out my mouth onto the ground... but I screamed every word of that song.

After his first performance was over, the boys swung right into the next song. I will say that his perfect hair and jacket didn't last for more then about three songs, but it made it that much more enjoyable. He put all of his soul into every note he sang and proceeded to add dance moves along with it.

Crowd surfers glided their way to the front of the pit for a chance to get close to the band. Each time a person surfed close enough to Gerard; he would reach out and try to touch them with a giant smile on his face. He blew kisses to fans during certain songs, he received over fifteen boas coughoneofthemwasfrommecough, and every single thing he did he acted like he wanted to do.

Now if you’ve ever been too an MCR show, you know just how much Gerard likes to dance! In my opinion, that mother fucker is Lisa Minnelli re-born in male form! He dances and sings while putting on a show that keeps you entertained the entire time. His dances seem to be getting better over the years! In the song “Give ‘Em Hell Kid” there is a lyric which says “….Don’t I look pretty walking down the street in the best damn dress I own…” where he usually does one of his dances. At the Detroit show, he did in fact do his little dance! It was simple yet stunning; he daintily placed his hand on his hip and strutted the most feminine models strut he could manage. On the five words “…best damn dress I own…” he stopped (right in front of my and my sister) and snapped his hips up and down with each word. To be honest, he can dance better then I can and I’ve taken figure skating for five years. That’s how amazing he is.

Now, during the song “Teenagers” Gerard was just getting it down! I’ve never seen anyone dance quite like it before. He also announced that there was going to be a special guest helping them do the song! Sure enough, out comes a guy with a harmonica! It fit into the song perfectly and I really wish that it had been on the record! As people rocked to the harmonica, no one forgot Gerard. He was watched just as much as the harmonica guy if not more! Looking just like the old Gerard once again in black jeans and a black vest, he strutted over to one side of the stage (once again, right in front of me and my sister!) and paused only momentarily to make everyone scream. Scrunching his face with an open-mouth smile he looped two fingers around the mic and proceeded to pump furiously up and down. I thought I was going to die of laughter right then and there. Old Gerard never will truly mature, will he?

Now our little Mikey boy… he never leaves his one spot on the stage! XD He has this little path that he walks. It’s just to the left of Gerard’s main spot and just to the right of Frank. He walks from the edge of the stage, back to the middle, then back by Bob, then back to the middle, then back to the edge, and he does that over and over and over again. It is really amusing to watch, because soon you memorize his pattern and start to always know exactly where Mikey is! I mean don’t get me wrong, he was damn happy and all, but he never left his spot. I think it’s just habit. In fact, he was rather smiley for most of the show, and he rocked out as hard as he ever could have wanted too and swung his growing hair back and forth.

Ray was really cheerful too! He smiled for a lot of the show and rocked out as hard as ever. There was a girl whom I had been talking too next to me with a Ray obsession. As soon as she got the chance, she practically jumped on top of me and screamed: “I LOVE YOU RAY!” and waved at him like a spaz. (She had asked me before MCR came on if she could stand in my spot for a second to say ‘Hi’ to Ray so it wasn’t like it was entirely random. I didn’t mind either, I thought it was adorable). When she did this, Ray turned and looked to see where the voice had come from. He quickly spotted her and smiled and waved right back. Mikey, James, and Gerard were laughing (not in a mean way of course!)

Sadly, Frank was really quiet through the entire show. He rocked out like he always does, but that was about it. He didn’t leave his little circle area and he didn’t spit at people as much as he used too. He never even got on the ground once… oh dear that sounds terribly kinky! I didn’t find out until recently that he was depressed though so I guess it makes sense… (Most recent issue of AP magazine briefly touches on the subject of how he has to see a therapist).

One thing to say about Bob: Lumberjack.

There isn’t really much to say about James, he was just sitting there on his tower of James-ness and being all spiffy! I really like James though, he’s fun!

I’m sure that most of you reading this greatly disapprove of Frerard, Frikey, Waycest, and all those things… but there was a Waycest moment and I’m going to tell it whether you like it or not! Hehe. So for those of you that don’t know what Waycest is, it’s the pairing of Mikey Way and Gerard Way. People write fan fictions about it and Gerard sometimes messes with Mikey on stage, thus becoming Waycest. Way + incest = Waycest. So during the song “My Way Home Is Through You” there is a line that repeats “come on angle don’t you cry”. Those lyrics are how the song ends, so while Gerard was signing those words over, and over again, he walked over to our dear Mikey Way and began to draw tears down his face with his finger. Our wonderful boy Mikey just blushed and tried to focus on his bass while his brother played with him. It was one of the cutest moments of my life.

So one fourth of the way through the concert, Gerard has now shed his jacket and gotten his hair all flat and sweaty. He might be one of the only people in this world that could pull that look off, it honestly surprised me. He likes to talk in between songs sometimes and everything he has to say makes some kind of sense. He never just rambles on about nothing… though it would be kind of amusing to hear Gerard ramble wouldn’t it? So anyway, he went on to explain to us how much he loved Detroit. A direct quote was: “We’ve been here, on the east side a lot, and we really love Detroit. I think we’ve actually play here more then we play Jersey.” I was honored to find this fact out.

Another epic random that happened was when suddenly Gerard had a blue plastic cup in his hands. One minute the lights were dimmed and the next second, Gerard had a drink! When he mixed it, you could see that it was a kind of pink-ish color and that it was kinda thick. What he said was “Wow! This is really good… fruity, nutricious, non-alcholic *cheering from a few fans*. I think you should all go out and buy blenders and make yourselves one of these!” It was wonderfully random and it made me smile. Mikey had one too, but I don’t think he liked it.

Earlier on in the show, Gerard had asked ‘Mr. Light man’ to turn on all the lights so he could see us. He told us that he saw us outside and that we were all fucking gorgeous! When the light man turned on all the lights, everyone screamed and jumped around and it made Gerard smile. I think it’s just because everyone was going so crazy today and we all had so much energy that it just made the show more fun for him. (Or at least that’s the way it was in my hopeless mind... don’t crush my dreams!) To put it a bit more practically, were all from Detroit so we’re fucking insane and Gerard likes to laugh at us.

After the first encounter with ‘Mr. Light man’, Gerard requested his assistance once again: “God? Mr. Light man? You can leave the lights off for this one… it’s a dark story,” and that made all of us laugh. The story he proceeded to tell was probably my second favorite part of the show, right after the opening. This is what he said: “So today, Me, Mikey, James and Alicia were all eating when suddenly Alicia says, ‘Hey, Gerard look! It’s 4-20!’ And no one was high…” Gerard has the best story-telling voice ever in the history of the world. I don’t care what anyone has to say, it’s absolutely amazing! (If you don’t believe me, type in X-mess Detritus into You Tube.)

Sadly the show had to come to an end. Between the dancing and the crazy theatrics… it was easily the best show I’ve ever been too. I’ve been to a lot of shows in the past two years; four of them were My Chemical Romance. The two MCR shows that occurred on the dates of April 19th and 20th were the two greatest most fun nights that I have ever had. If you’ve never been to a My Chemical Romance concert and want too, you have your goals in the right place. If you think you hate My Chemical Romance or never want to go to a concert, then you have to suck it up and get your ass to one. Seriously, even if you hate their music you have to go to one of their concerts. You won’t regret it!
January 16th, 2009 at 06:04am