Friends Are Only Forever If You Show Them

The one thing we take advantage of the most is those closest to us. The ones we share our lives with. The ones we call at three in the morning just to say that you had a nightmare. The ones that have our backs. The ones that we trust with our deepest darkest secrets. Our friends make our lives. They help us and sometimes hurt us but we need them more than we realize. We always just expect them to be there when we go to sleep and wake up with us too. But, it has to be a mutual thing. You have to be there for your friends in return. Some are nice enough to stay with you for a long while before they finally move on but eventually everyone makes a decision that will impact their whole life. We need our friends and they need us back so tell them that and just be there. Sometimes all it takes is answering the phone when they call and just listening to what they have to say. I'm learning this the hard way by making some mistake that I deeply regret. I'm also at that point in my life where I decide who my real friends are and they are learning what real friends are.

I'm truly Devastated but also Fascinated by the Truth
January 16th, 2009 at 07:11pm