100 Random Facts About Me...

1. My name is Samantha Marie. i hate the name Samantha, and shortened it to Sam.

2. I've never really traveled.

3. I paint a new painting every so often. I need to start on one for my Bf's valentine's gift.

4. I like german chocolate more than anything.

5. I recite quotes from the A7X guys all the time... Like... "I'm going to kill you... Because I have mental problems... Because I need lasic!" and "A spoonful of Jimmy makes the whole world go down!"

6. I'm a very smiley orienated person. xD

7. I've seen several shooting stars... And a bijillion satelites.

8. My first word was a german cuss word. My grandma's such a bad influence.

9. I give my money to my starving stoner friends.

10. I work in the library during first period currently. It's fun.

11. I have an older brother, Joe, (I love that idiot!) and a little sister Shaina, that I've never seen.

12. I'm nearly blind, I swear to god. I can't read text that's about an inch big if it's farther than 5 inches from my eyes.

13. If I eat breakfast, i get sick.

14. I am not a drummer. Rockband + me + drums = fail.

15. I adore my baby cousin, otherwise brats ought to stay 'way from the Sam.

16. I met Brian of the BSB back when they were famous xD At king's island, when it was still king's island.

17. My parents hate eachother.

18. I hate snow.

19. My grandma cusses people out in german. Alot.

20. I love coffee... But it makes me go

21. I hate poser emos. Cutting doesn't make you emo. its makes you a loser.

22. I use to collect toy horses...

23. I have too many notebooks...with too many unfinished stories.

24. I crush on guys like i breathe.

25. I have put dye in my hair, just not massive amounts....

26. I ride horses in the summer.

27. I love Art and English.

28. I normally don't remember my dreams. When i do, I wish I didn'y.

29. I was born i Good Sam's In Cincinnati. Now I live 100 miles away....

30. I hate sound of music. Frauline is german for young miss.

31. My great grandfather was a german noble...

32. I probably won't get married.

33. I hate theme parks.

34. I don't wear make-up.

35. I started reading after everyone else, but I'm faster and better at it than most.

36. I love the colors Red, Black, Blue, Green, and Silver.

37. Abortion should be legal in the first trimester after rape, and if the mother's life is in danger.

38. I am way antisocial.

39. I get suspended for attempting to strangle a kid in geometery.

40. I have no allergies.

41. I was supposed to be born on july 4th, but was 25 days late, and thank god, because if I wasn't i'd be a CANCER.... But I'ma Leo. Go Lions!

42. I swear like a sailor.... okay more like a soldier...

43. When I was twelve.. an 18 year old though i was at least her age, if not 19...

44. I hated the school plays I had to do...

45. I can do a thick irish accent, and a high pitched voice where no one can understand me..

46. When I was little, I flipped out about how I was going to die before I was ready... I am now bffs with death.

47. I love my forest. And the smell of the woods.

48. My family is insane, and beyond loud.

49. My first kiss was a korean boy named James Lee in kindergarten.... did you know that means garden of children (child garden) in german?

50. I am not fat. I am like 10 pounds over the ideal for my height though...

51. I hate the Drop Zone.

52. I am horrible at manipulating people...

53. I don't win things. I take them from the losers that do..

54. I am wayy horribly not lucky. I'm not unlucky... but I'm not lucky. I am Neutural!

55. When my dad gets drunk, he thinks his family's part of a mob...

56. When I talk to people... I tend to look them in the eye... they tend to stare at the ground.

57. People say me and my mom look wayy alike.... They're right :"(

58. I am atheist. I do not like those that try to shove their religion down your throat, so's if you do that... Stay far far far away fro me.

59. I tend to be early.

60. I never saw the point in paper weapons...

61. In 5th i had to take the progress report tests, to pass, and I got the highest math and reading scores in my school.

62. I do not tan. I burn.

63. I can't stand boy bands. Or disney bands. Or Hannah Fucking Montana.

64. I am beyond pessimistic.

65. I love everyone.
For the hell of it.

66. I am half klutz, half graceful majestic feline person thingy

67. I decide that things should be OH MY SYN! OH MY GATES! Oh my Synyster gates and Johnny Christ. or.. Oh my fucking Syn, Shadows, Vengenace, Plauge, and Johnny Fucking Christ!

68. My birth mark looks like a third nipple...

69. I just generally hate everything.

70. I am not in cars much. I hate cars.

71. I've never had stiches.

72. I love.... BUNNIES! and Music.

73. When I was little, I was a demon child.

74. I live for music. I mean really. I breathe it, I think it, it is my soul. Take away music. I die.

75. I tend to sit indian style. Everywhere.

76. No one guesses my weight right. Ever.

77. 13 is my favorite, and lucky, number.

78. 666 makes me laugh.

79. American idol has always sucked.

80. I cry more than I used to.

81. I am the awkwardness of everything.

82. I do not do things like girl scouts. I was my own kinda thing. Demon Scout.

83. I veiw death as my next of kin.

84. I hate sitting still for more than 5 minutes.

85. I never accepted anyone as my lord and savior.

86. But, irionically. I was baptized at age 8....

87. I am scared of diving boards, but i will go off them...

88. My only Savior is music. Pulled me out of my sucidual phase. So if you hate me, tell avenged sevenfold they should never have released seize the day.

89. I don't get sick often. I normally get strep throat when I do. the last time i was sick was middle of seventh grade. i am now a junior.

90. I remember random shit that i don't need.

91. I get high grades, I had straight As in my freshman year... Then I met Zac.

92. Their are no good shows on TV anymore.

93. I am unlike anyone in my family.

94. I loved the BSB when i was younger... Now I can't stand pop... or boy bands.... Give me Death metal! Or Give me bleeding ears.

95. Twilight ruined vampires.

96. I will not see the movie. They ruined my veiw of edward.

97. I also hate how before twilight was made into a movie everyone was all like "You're weird you like vampires! Vampire suck!" and now they walk around wearing shirts that say "I <3 Edward" and shit like that.

98. I do not eat fast food.

99. I hate the nightmare on elm street movies. With a passion. Only scary movies to actually scare me.

100. I could not go on about myself forever. I hate me. I am insane. And I like to make people feel emotional pain. I'm psychotic. There. You know me.
January 17th, 2009 at 12:50am