If you're an Escape the Fate fan, dont beat me up for this. :)

I'm sure everyone's heard of how Ronnie Radke (formerly th singer of Escape The Fate), is in jail and Escape the Fate's new singer is Craig Mabbitt, formerly of Blessthefall.

Don't get this twisted or anything but, I loved Escape the Fate with Ronnie but I think Craig is a better singer. No offence in any way, shape, or form. While Ronnie is a great singer/screamer, Craig can go from melodic siging to screaming on a dime. Melody was more present on ETF's new album rather than their old one where Ronnie was present.

Oh, and this whole thing of blaming Max is a crock. He couldnt have possibly controlled Ronnie's actions, at least not while Ronnie was high and/or drunk. It does upset me that Ronnie is in jail but, I think Craig is better for the band. If Ronnie was just going to drag the band down it's better that Craig is there.

I'm sure that some of you heard Max talk about Ronnie going to jail and whatnot, and he obviously isn't ecstatic about it and he misses his friend. (That's my perception at least).
While I am a huge fan of Escape the Fate, and I will continue to be one, if they want success and to rach out to kids, but Ronnie was bringing them down, then Craig is th best bet for ETF's 'suvival' so to speak.

P.S. I appreaciate anyone who reads this journal. Just felt the need to share this even if it is a delayed reaction. :)
January 17th, 2009 at 01:43am