William Beckett.

Thursday, January Fifteenth, Two-Thousand And Nine.

My heart started racing as the car heated up, and though it was about two below zero in the metal frame I was sitting in, there was no shivering. I was warm and excited.
I gripped my CDs excitedly... along with two pictures I'd drawn. William Beckett's voice was in my head... I couldn't think. I couldn't breathe. All I could do was grab onto my friend and squeal in sheer delight.

The ride was shorter than anticipated because I couldn't help but get lost in thought and thus lose the time count.

My name tag said Talia, but I was just a girl sitting in a made up pool of madness; her own doing.

Livy was just as excited as I was. You could tell by the look on her face. She forgot her CDs and her camera. "I knew I was forgetting something! I ran late this morning... and it was like, 'clothes... but what am I forgetting'?!" I laughed when she had told me that.

I stepped out of the car at the mall and put my name tag on. My fingers were shaking as we went in, and I made Livy ask the scary Hot Topic people what we should do.

"Just hop in line!"

We smiled and did just that, very nervously might I add.

We ended up standing in a hall, waiting for them to tell us we could go into the Hot Topic. About an hour and a alf of back pain and annoying girls screaming at windows, we got in... about 1-5 at a time. The line moved slowly... And I was glad.

I wanted my two seconds to talk to them.

The lady inside the Hot Topic said we could only get posteres signed and continued to hand Livy and I one. There were two bands, The Academy Is... and The Cab.

Livy went first, and I was immediately jealous that William shook her hand and stopped to give her his sex eyes. GOD. He was deliciously gorgeous.

I didn't get a hand shake when I got to him... [Of course he'd be first.] He was too busy trying to read my name.

"Talia... It's Talia." I swear, he melted my tongue and made be a mumbling idiot.

"That's a very pretty name."

"Thank you."

He bent down to sign the poster, and I unfolded the picture I had drawn for him...
It was a clock, the time set at eleven:eleven p.m. A face was in the center, smiling, and the hands of the clock were the face's nose. Surrounding it were little bubbles and rain drops. Inside some of the bubbles, there were quotes.

Let me tell you, it sounded cooler than it looked. And I wished it would have looked better.

I said, " I have a picture I drew for you," while he was signing my poster, which said Talia! and then his name.

I said to Mr. Perfection, "I know it's not that amazing or anything..." [NOT THAT AMAZING?! I'M AN IDIOT...]

And he looked up at me, sex eyes and all, and said, "No, this is great. It's great, thank you."

I smiled and thanked him. (Though, I am a bit disappointed that nothing was even mentioned about it in his blog. The last time he got a picture, he uploaded it and praised it. Mine didn't even minutely compare to that picture, but... Still.)

I swear, my mouth went as dry as the desert.

He debated weather or not to set it on the table or on the floor. He looked up and down quite a few times as he decided. Eventually he slowly set in on the floor, staring at it the whole time.

I sadly moved on the where Sisky was sitting. HE HAS SUCH SOFT HANDS! I was so nervous, I just said hi and thanked him for signing my poster. He signed the poster with my name, a little heart, and an " adam."

Then The Cab.

Alex literally jumped in his seat and did this weird little hand motion and went, "TALIA!"

I grinned and nodded a bit, my mouth was still dry. I gave them their picture and Alex thanked me. Ian just grinned.

I said thank you and left as calmly as I could.

There were only two members from each band, but it was purely amazing.

I have to mention, there were some girls literally CRYING when they walked out of the store. Livy and I were just grinning, and being very calm about the whole thing.

I group of two other girls came up to us and went, "Aren't you in shock?! I got my pants signed!"

And I said, with a massive smile on my face, "I think I might vomit!"

...I probably freaked them out.

Then when we got to the car, we were squealing in excitement, and Livy couldn't stop staring at where William had written her name. I couldn't wipe the grin off of my face.

I got home and barely slept, thankful that I didn't have an exam the following day. We had a two hour delay so school went by quickly.

...Then I went to the mall and found out this kid who I like has a crush on me. But that's a totally different journal.

Love Always, and Forever Yours.
January 18th, 2009 at 03:16am