So i finally gave in...

i've finally given in to the temptation to read twilight
ive read twilight and bnew moon, and ive jsut started eclipse
i have to say its pretty amazing and i see what all the hype was about
im just glad that ive started reading it now when most people have forgotten all about it
therefore nobody is going to spoil it and im just not as obssessed as everyone else :P

Also OMG
went to see BMTH and MSI last night
one of THE best nights of my life
although i was dying for the toilet in the queue and had to wait about an hour to use it.
we made some friends with the people behind us in the queue
they were really nice :)

started off with In Case Of Fire
who i didnt think i would like that much but they were pretty amazing
then Black Tide
who i also think are pretty amazing
theyre kinda a 'hair' band though ya know
long/cool hair everywhere
then there was dir en grey
i hate them...i cant describe how much but i do...
while they were playing i got dragged away from my friends and was stuck by a load of screaming fan girls ¬¬
then it was Bring Me the Horizon
OMG it was amazing, i fucking love them
The Mondless Self Indulgence
they were great, Jimmy Urine is amazing on stage
And then after we met Kitty, Steve And Jimmy and got their autographs
Kitty was really nice

I was going to say something else...
but i forget woops
January 18th, 2009 at 02:09pm