George W. Bush <-- (my opinion, not as retarded as the title sounds)

I got this from LiveJournal.. It was one of the writer's block prompt things.

Here was the question::

It's the last day in office for George Bush. There's been a lot of talk in the media lately about Bush's legacy. What do you think he will be most remembered for?

Here's how I answered it::

It's just so sad to me. I honestly don't know anything about politics, but I do have an opinion on our soon to be late president. So many-- too many people think he was horrible for our country. To that I have to say that he did put America further into debt, which totally sucks- but hey; thats the economy, it goes up and down. Yet, that isn't what everyone is hating on him about. They are upset because the 'war' in Iraq. (not a war ppls, just a conflict) But wait a second.. Wasn't everybody freaking out Sept. 11th, 2001??? hmm..? Or did I just imagine that part? haha. I think not. Hmm, Did you want them sending more terrorists into the U.S. to kill people? Or wait, you just wanted the war on our land so even more pple died? Maybe Bush kept our troops in the Middle East longer than what was necessary, but for fucks sakes!!! Why the hell is everyone so bitchy about it?? He tried to lead our country to something better, and he most likely SAVED another country from turning into something utterly horrid.. Last thing I knew, Americans liked volunteering & helping pple out- even if they had to sacrifice something in the process.. But now, time has passed and they decide they are tired of helping out.. Sorry to burst the bubbles of those but WTFH? this isn't a fucking soup kitchen. You can't just help out one week, then the next decide that "hmm not feeling it today" & not help out. For the grace of humanity! Can't a soul be thankful in this country?? We even have a fucking holiday about that concept!! I'm tired of hearing everyone complain that we are in this war, or how Bush ruined America.. Sorry, but who here is psychic & can tell me we wouldn't have had the infamous 9/11 or that let's say the terrorists just decided to just leave us alone after that if Bush wasn't prez??? I really wanna know the true psychics opinion.. K, yep I just ranted on this but let me make it clear-- I'm not a fan of Bush.. I don't give a shit about who is president. But I am (as the cliched term goes) proud to be an American, but I am ashamed to be a member of a country that continuously bad-mouths their president.
Hopefully, Obama will not continue this trend and fuck us over worse. But lofl-- if he does, are you going to then hate the man that everyone is nowadays praising; saying how he will be the best thing for us at this point in time?? (haha- everyone is a hypocrite in their own way)
I have stated that I know nothing of how the government & politics is ran, this is pure opinion based on the fact that I am a human that thinks about shit from her own view. Don't be bashing me because I used the term everyone and such it was just the easiest general plural to type.('Cause seriously- I'm not including myself in those everyones)

To answer the actual question that started me off-- I will remember George W. Bush as our president from 2000-2008, nothing more-nothing less. After he isn't president I doubt I'll think of him AT ALL unless someone brings him up. (Yeah, I know that sounds bad, but please- I don't fucking care)

Thank You!! for reading this rantlike thing.. It'd be great if you commented and stated your opinion on this topic!!!
January 19th, 2009 at 10:08am