It's finally snowing here!

After weeks of listening to Americans bitching and moaning about the snow and ice and sending evil glares their way, it appears wishes do come true!
Cos it's snowing.
And it's lying.
I don't know how long for though, so i might have to go out in it.

I have to make a snow angel for my jealous aunt anyway!!

This is brilliant. Scotland never ever gets snow anymore. Stupid global warming/climate change/whatever the hell else you want to blame it on.
I phoned my best friend and screamed in her ear "IT'S FUCKING SNOWING" when she answered...her reply..."i think i once had hearing in that ear. and hello. and i know...i'm in town, where it is also snowing lol. *hangs up*"

We have such a loving relationship =]

On another note...
To anyone who reads my story, If I Only Had The Heart, i'm trying to get chapter 27 out as quickly as possible, so bear with me and for the giggles have a guess at who William was with.
Here's a's someone Tash knows, and who would be at the party =]

And eskimo kisses, just because of the snow =]
January 19th, 2009 at 05:33pm