
Hello, I'm new here. This is my third day I think... Oh well. It's my first journal. =] I really don't know what to write.. Ha ha. Thank you Stormy for introducing me to this place. Anyways, I'm eating some Sweethearts and wanted to know if someone could help me. Does anyone know any good bands whose sound is similar to the old Escape The Fate? Thanks.

I'm currently writing a story for my buddy called, Without You. I'm working hard on it. She's not allowed to read it til it's done. =] Comment? I might be asking for help co-writing it later. You know, when you write the story off instant messages? Yeah, that one.

She also has some really good stories. Link? --> Stormy aka Jokie. Check out her stuff. Just Another Bullet is a really weird original fiction about this girl in a crazy asylum. And Life With A Sharpened Edge is a Joker story. She also has many more but those are the best!

I woke up this morning really late cause I had this dream that I was in the 70's Show. Stormy was there with Hyde and I was with Kelso. Pretty odd right? But the weirder part is that we had the same dream! Ha.

Anyways, I'm bored so message me!

Much Love,
January 19th, 2009 at 07:04pm