Free Hugs!

I've been feeling a little too cynical lately, so I'm going to talk about how good my life has been lately, and not how bad it's been.
Ever since me and my ex broke up, I have been feeling so free. I feel like I can do whatever I want now, when before I felt so tied down. I was hanging out with my friend the other day, and I just felt so happy and alive. It feels so good to be single.
So here is a list of things I have gotten since we broke up that I am happy about:
* Betwixt (an amazing book)
* Blue hair
* Hello Kitty mirror
* Eyeliner and eyeshadow
* Cherry Pop Tarts
* Swedish Fish
* A piece of duct tape on my sweater that says Free Hugs
So hug me bitches!
January 19th, 2009 at 11:26pm