Leaving... Not Anymore, I Guess.

So yesterday I went through this hysteria that was incredibly immature. I declaired that I was going to leave this site officially, though Have since changed my mind because of two friends of mine. You can either thank them or hate them for my return... Though it has only been a day, and thus not a huge deal at all.

Oliver Spencer Smith and scribblerofdreamsxx
Ricky and Livy.

I feel oddly calm as I type this. Perhaps the calm before the storm? I am anxious for tomorrow to end... I hate school.

Nothing new... Though I think I'll make these journals a new "thing." They're kind of like food for my brain.


NO, I wasn't leaving because of anything too special.
It wasn't a person... Well, anyone but myself.
I was determined at the time to completely erase my life and sever all the ties I had with anyone in the world other than the people I make up in my brain.


More later.


January 20th, 2009 at 01:02am