a journal?

i've decided to use this thing.. or so called journall

maybe it wants me to write about my journey
a journey of life?
the journey of today i guess..
i hate waking upp.. you open your eyes and its like.... for a moment everything is great!!
and then you realise that you have to get up and get ready for school
i actually own straightners now.. yes i addmit itt.. im a lad and i have straightners.. actually most lads i know actually do own straightners
they go up to 220 degree's which is scoldering material!! :D
today was apparently the most random dayy of the yearr.. welli say today.. i mean yesterday cause now i've just realised that the cloc kdoes say 1:38 in the morning
shitt i hve P.E tommrow i must find my P.E kitt.
english was crap todayy,
miss decided that it would be fun to do circle time at the beginging of the lesson
.. ha.. she was wrong..
we did this game wear we had to touch the person next to each others knee's and i was wedged between two girls which in some cases would be cool but no not this time.. i was next to miss and the new girl, i dont even know her name... carol.. carragan.. tim? i dont know

i should really rest my face aand sleep right now,
but i just cant be bothered to slouch over to my bed,
its over there,
come on i have a chocolate over hear
... im sticking hear,
my room got moved round the other day..
me and my mum joined sides and did an almighty job of bringing the old cabinet into my room... i hate it...but i just shove all my clutter into them.. like bits of toy cars and army soldiors.. you name is i have it.. well not literally but you get the drift.. well you dont get my driftt because i dont have any drift wood.. but you get the idea.. well you dont actually literally get my idea.. because its my idea.. i wish i could understand myself
life would bea dribble and id probly be educated anough to know the difference between butter and margerine,
what animal would i be?
id be an elephant..
that would be nice

my fingers are becoming numb.. but i dont know whyyy.. i should consult my doctorr
bt id rather sleep now

i still dont understand what a journal is
but i gave it ago
and i tried
so please don't judge me
just because i dont understand what a journal is
doesnt mean that im a dumb gay with no life
that he starts talking to him self on a journal enrty page on mibba

im gonna go eat then sleep then wake up then go to school then come home and come back on hear and write another one

i bet know one even reads thiss


its raining men ! doooo! halleluya its raining mennn... rainging mennn (8)

thanks for reading this " journal entry" don't get raped and dont drink too much water or your brain will act as a sponge and it will expand and push against your skull and you will die! have a nice day
dont think about sex all the time.. or you will die
help the elderly as well please
January 20th, 2009 at 02:53am