Moving Fowards? Or Just Plain Annoying?

We see people everywhere with technology. Cell Phones, Laptops, Digital Cameras, GPS', and MP3 players/iPods.

Do we need them, though?

I grew up without internet, a cell phone or even a car, but I survived. How many people could, though? I see my friends get their phones taken off them while their grounded, and they think it's the end of the world. My friend got caught sneaking out once, and her Dad put her phone down the waste disposal. She cried for weeks, until the suckers got her a new one. I get grounded all the time, and my phone taken off me, yet I'm fine.

So why do we rely on technology so much?

I'm starting a "New" School next year (as in, same school, different place thing. Our school got rebuilt and will be the most hi-tech school in the world) and we have to type everything up, no more books, no more pens, no more "My dog ate it" excuses. I find it stupid; I like handwriting my stuff, as do many other students, so why don't we get the choice anymore? I can't wait for the day where all technology fails and we have to start over again. I sound like a total bitch when I say that, but that's just how I am.


(On the Journal, not my being a bitch please! =] )
January 20th, 2009 at 10:11am