Carnaby Street (Not What It Used To Be)

What is seriously going on with London Town these days?

Camden Market has become an almost generic clutter of shops that feel they have the right to buy a load of shit from Blue Banana and pass it off as their own. And here's me thinking I might be able to by something original.

I did, however, find myself looking at some more of the artists that sell their work in 'The Lock'. And it was these people that reaffirmed my faith in the market place. I purchased some really cool prints from a company called ‘Killer Strawberry’. They have a very innovative 'finding-the-irony-in-the-end-of-the-world' type of vibe about them, and it’s is mainly very monochromatic with splashes of faint colour here and there. If you liked Tim Burton's 'The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy' then you should definitely check them out. They do a lot of stuff for charity and some immense t-shirts, one of my favourites being ‘Terry Wogan is electric!’.

There is also another artist who caught my eye, but I ran out of money before I could by anything of his. He's from across the pond and calls himself Jeff - aka Killer Bunny - and does a lot of postmodern / funk pieces. He seemed like a really cool guy too, but I didn't get much of a chance to talk to him because mother doesn't like hanging around Camden late a night - which was around 5:30 pm might I add. If you like Alex Pardee, who's more well-known for the cover work on 'The Used' and 'Aiden's' latest records, then his 'Freeform Funk,' stuff is definitely something to check out.

Aside from that I also got some movie poster prints, so my room is definitely getting a revamp sometime soon. If anyone has any old vinyl records that they don't need please feel free to give them away, so I can decorate my walls .

This is probably going to be the first of many blogs in the coming weeks. There's something very cathartic about typing endlessly about shit that people don't really care about but still read anyway.

Title Credit: The Jam.
January 20th, 2009 at 04:00pm