2009 - Year of Music

Okay, so last year was most definitely the year of movies: 'The Dark Knight' blew everyone's minds and pretty much became its own institution, whereas 'Cloverfield' became the best thing since 'The Blair Witch Project.' That's not to say there weren't some awfully bleak moments, 'The Happening' being just one of many movies to die a painful death at the hands of its creator's arrogance. But luckily, the good outweighed the bad and hopefully this will be the same for the music industry this year.

I have been unbelievably excited about the records coming out this year for so long. And I thought I would share my predicted highlights and 'low-lights' of the year with everyone.

1. X0 - LeATHERMOUTH (27/01/09)
For those who don't know LeATHERMOUTH is Frank Iero's – rhythm guitarist for My Chemical Romance - side project, not that this would make any difference to the band's fanbase. This group couldn't get farther from MCR's classic rock / modern punk riffs if their practice studio was on the 'International Space Station'. Originating in New Jersey, LeATHERMOUTH have steered away from the Bon Jovi influence of the area and dove head first into the hardcore-punk style of The Misfits. However, this is a pretty tenuous comparison as LeATHERMOUTH is like no other American hardcore band I have ever heard before, but then again I'm not too educated on the subject. Either way, XO is definitely going to be one of the best records out this year... and if you can understand the words it will be even better!

2. Grey Britain - Gallows (04/05/09)
I think the title pretty much sums up the impact that this record should - or will- have on those that take the time to listen to it. Orchestra of Wolves is easily in my top 5 albums of all time, and that is not an easy position for any band in my music collection to reach and I have every confidence that the follow up will be just as ground-breaking. Which, again, is not a thought that bounces around my brain very often. They've released one track - 'Gold Dust' - on their myspace page which was up for free download for a short time. It's a 59 second long eloquently structured fit of rage and is an excellent teaser for fans waiting on tenterhooks for the new record.

3. It's Not Me, It's You - Lily Allen (08/02/09)
I know that this choice may come as a shock when the previous two records are taken into account, but I have always been a Lily Allen fan - even through the trainers and dress combo stage. The first record was full of bouncy, adolescent pop tunes, that masked an album full of thought-provoking and sometimes bleak lyrics, much like The Smiths. Yes, I did just compare Lily Allen to Morrissey, but if you really think about it, it's kind of inevitable, even their voices have the same intriguing blend of happiness and melancholy. But in my opinion, the next album is definitely taking a step in the right direction. 'The Fear', is an excellent single and the video is her best yet, is seems as though Lily is coming into her own and the next record is going to be a lot more focused and mature - in a good way!
There are a lot more records to look forward to but most bands haven't released titles yet so here are a few bands to be watching:

4. Arctic Monkeys

5.Taking Back Sunday

6. My Chemical Romance

7. The Cure

8. The Horrors

There are rumours of a new record from 'The Specials', following their anniversary reunion tour. And whilst I am ecstatic that the band managed to put aside their differences and give younger fans a chance to see them and give older fans a chance to relive their youth (aka ride out a midlife crisis), a new record may taint what would otherwise be a heartfelt and grounded celebration of ska. But without Dammers I don't think the band will do it - but then again, I said that about touring...

They were the things to look forward to and I think I'm going to put another blog up with a few bands that should be avoided. But I'll do that when I'm in a bitchier mood .
January 20th, 2009 at 05:37pm