Pass On History

Okay so I'm not at all into politics but when the outcome of the most recent presidential election was announced I made an entry in the journal I haven't written in in ages. I wanted to write down a part of history so that one day when I let my daughter read through my old journals she'll read my entry on the night that the first Black president was voted in.

I feel kind of the same way about today just excited for everything that it means. Unless you're in the situation I don't know if a person can know what it feels like to always be "less than" to know that at one time you were considered to be on the same level as an animal and that a lot of people still feel that way. Unless you’ve ever been in that position I don’t think you could truly understand what it means to have someone who “looks like you” be in this kind of position. And how it makes you look at yourself differently. And how you hope that it will make others look at you differently (in a positive way) as well.

My co-worker was talking about how she just keeps thinking about how her god-son and my younger cousins won’t grow up in a world where there had never been a Black president before. I hadn’t thought about that before. About how when my young cousins grow up or when I have a daughter of my own having a Black president won’t be as big of a deal as it is now. Just like being able to sit where ever I want on a bus isn’t as big of a deal to me as it probably is to my grandparents or great grandparents. But I want to pass on the feeling of this time to record it for the younger generation so that they can see it through the eyes of a young person just like them and maybe they can connect to it better to get the true meaning of it maybe even in a way that I never will.
January 20th, 2009 at 10:21pm