He Is Such A Disaster

So said BOY from a previous entry...
Yeah, I regret opening up to him.

He toyed with me, whether it was intended or not he did. I don't appreciate it at all especially after telling him that I trusted him. I don't know, I'm just glad he is now only considering be as a "good friend". Because that will make it way easier for me to see him the same way.

BOY: Church
Me: I plan on going
BOY: Gooduh
Me: I suppose
BOY: Why?
Me: Because I want to go to church but at the same time I'd rather not be around people.
BOY: I know how that feels.

he's always relating to me like that and I hate him a little for because either he's my emotional twin or he's lying. Either way it makes me like him a little more which I don't think is quite fair.

BOY: Please come to church tonight
Me: You say that like I don't plan on going
Me: Yeah. and out of curiosity, why do you care?
BOY: Because you're a really good friend and I enjoy your company.
Me: Ah

Idk. I just about sick of dealing with his emotional roller coaster for interpreting relationships.
January 21st, 2009 at 10:52pm