writers block and questions on frerards?

Yeah I have writers block. I pretty much know what I want to write for Finding Chihiro. I don't even know if it should be in Haku or Chihiro or third person point of view :l . Well I'll figure something out. I know what I would write for Chihiro if I could think about what to write...it would be pretty much a filler. Like you know, nothing big to the plot just some info and description and stuff. Unless I skipped that part, and fast forwarded into the day. Yeah, that sounds good.

And Haku, idk. haha.

OKay, and yeah everyone probably flocked in here with the mention of Ferard. Well, first lets say they do annoy me but I'm not going to bitch about that. I don't really listen to MCR so I can't say I love them...but it's Frankie soemthing and Gerard Way? Frankie what? Iero? Yeah that I think.

And anyways the question...are they really gay, or do people just make them gay? Like are Frankie and Gerard really into each other or dating...or do people just make this up?

Yeah it's silly but I always wondered.

and crap is it frerard or ferard? omg haha.
January 21st, 2009 at 11:07pm