Transvestites and Sparkly Vampires

For a moment there you probably thought I was going to talk about Twilight, right? Well guess again my friend. The only thing I really know about Twilight is that there’s vampires that sparkle, a girl named Bella, and a guy named Edward who my friend describes as a pmsing vampire cow. Do I have any interest in reading it? No. From what I heard of about the book, it doesn’t intrigue me in the least.

Now, ignoring that piece of useless info concerning me, I guess I’ll change the topic. As whoever is reading this can see, I don’t know what the hell I’m doing when writing this journal; I’m just writing about stuff that has to do with me, my life, or whatever the hell I feel like writing or ranting about. Though, mainly my journals will (if I ever consider doing another one) consist of pointless rants. As like right now.

Now about the other part of the title, it actually has at least a little bit to do with this journal. At my school there’s a new kid that’s more or less, different from the average guy. He’s been the ‘talk of the school’ before he even came for the first time today. The reason for this is obvious; he’s a transvestite. I honestly have nothing against a guy cross dressing, but that’s not the reason this person irritates me. Nor is the fact that he dresses scene (even though I personally think the style is quite hideous). The matter that he’s immediately surrounded by those scene girls doesn’t even bother me. It’s his goddamned attitude. I happened to pass by him and we bump shoulders slightly, and he just pauses for a moment, not even looking at me as he spoke in a rather snobbish tone saying ‘excuse me’. My god, been there for less than a day and already feeling all high and mighty. People like that really piss me off. And I’m not the only one he treated like that. I witnessed him push a couple of others to the side so he can pass by.

Funny thing is about this is, my guesses about this new kid in this overly predictable society were all right so far.

This is what I guessed:

1. He would be surrounded by scene chicks.
2. He’d be dressed like one of those scene girls.
3. He’d be a fan of that Jeffree Star person.

Two out of three are right and I’m still waiting on the third.

Any opinions on this? I’d be interested in hearing them.
January 23rd, 2009 at 12:06am