Just Ranting

First off, I'm not perfect, I know that but I have to tendency to speak my truth. If this happens to hurt anyone I apologize in advance.

Sometimes I feel that I'm surrounded by stupid people. You know what I'm talking about right? The girls who ask "What's no in Spanish?" or "Do I look like a slut?" First of all it's "no" and second if you think you look like a slut then you look like a slut. If you don't want people to think you're a slut then don't dress like one. I understand you want to look beautiful but showing less does not make you look all that great. Don't kid yourself by saying "Less is more."
Another thing I'm sorry but I have to complain about this now or it will forever be in my system. The whole rainbow gay thing. I'm glad you're out and proud but must you have a rainbow whatever in your all of your outfits? Ok we get it...you're gay or bi or whatever but the rainbow thing has got to calm down, it's so annoying. And coloring your hair bizarre colors like bright green and blue. Yeah it looks good but don't over do it. In my opinion and you of course don't have to listen to me but in my opinion, I think you would look better with streaks of it instead of a whole head. You know what else bothers me, girls who overdo the make up. Here's a tip, the purpose of make up isn't to hide pimples and what not, it's to enhance you're lovely features and with make up "Less is more." During the day don't wear so much but if you're going out at night like a party or something that is when you can work it. Other then that the trick is to look like you don't wear make up. I like to think I can do wonders with you troubled girls but if you don't want to look pretty I can't help you there. You are beautiful, stop making yourself look ugly. I'm not saying I think you're ugly personally you could probably look better. That's all I'm saying but then again why should you care what I have to say. You don't know me and you're probably ready to judge me about this anyway but I don't care what you have to say.
Let's see what else is there? Oh yes. Don't you just hate when guys act to cocky around you? I hate it. I don't care if you're going to workout, I don't care what you're doing this weekend unless I ask. You know what else I hate, they way you stare at me. It's the stare you know, the one where you're pretty but I'm not going to talk to you, I just look like I'm interested in you because I hope you come over here and talk to me. Then there the guys who you hang out with so much you fall for them but you don't want to because you don't want to risk your friendship or you're afraid you might get hurt.
I also hate cramps. Sometimes they are so bad I cry and you know what I hate the most about it? They are preparing you for childbirth. It is not fun. I leave school sometimes because of it.
Well that's all I have for now. Till next time remember to eat healthy, drink a glass of water 8 times a day, do yoga, it could probably bring peace to the world. Read a good book. I just finished with Skinny Bitch and I have a new outlook on life. I also say read Tuesdays with Morrie because it's a very touching book. Peace and Love!
January 23rd, 2009 at 12:28am