The Exact Truth.

It’s ever so nice and quiet right now. That lovely, peaceful sort of quiet. All I can hear are a few birds twittering outside and some general road noise.

It isn’t that I don’t love loud music, crowds of people chattering when it’s a nice atmosphere or whatnot, it’s just... yes. Quiet can be nice. Sometimes it’s welcome. And I have been playing loud music down my headphones for the best part of twenty four hours now, so you can possibly imagine why this is welcome.

I got up at half past one in the afternoon yesterday. I haven’t slept since then, I don’t think I will until tonight either. I like it. I don’t feel tired at all- though I imagine the two cups of coffee and one cigarette I have consumed in the last hour and a half probably help me with that.

Yes, yes, I know. I have that...thing...where I... learn. Supposedly. Rhymes with drool.
But why on earth would I want to go there?
I don’t wish to go. So I’m not going. Simple as that. *firm nod*

Ah, if only it worked that way. Never mind. At least I’ve managed to have the vast majority of this school week off. Feigned a bug, which I’m fairly positive mum can see straight through, but she doesn’t seem to mind me bunking. I babysit for her when I’m off school, so I suppose it’s a case of everybody wins really.

Aha. I do rather like the person I am occasionally. About twenty minutes ago If I was being... well behaved, I’d be on my way to school at that point. What was I doing? I was smoking a cigarette whilst hanging out my bedroom window and having a phone conversation with my girlfriend. She had to go to assembly or some shit that she didn’t want to. This I find lame. But you know what I didn’t find lame? The cup of coffee that I had managed to forget about... just sitting beside my bed waiting for me.

My mum will be back from dropping Phoebe off at school soon. I think. I sort of want more coffee, but I’m worried she’ll walk into the house as I’m making it. She knows me well enough to know that if i’m up so early, it probably means I haven’t been to sleep yet.

This is of course, the exact truth.
But who's counting?
January 23rd, 2009 at 10:12am