a little bit more...

about me.

i'm not the most wonderful person you will meet, but my friends seem to think i am close enough.

i don't deserve any of my friends, they are way to good to me.

if i have an issue with someone, i speak about it.
im not the strong, silent type.

im very much the opposite.

im weak and loud.

people say i'm annoying, but whatever.
i really don't care what people think.

rumors are horrible in my school.
but i wouldn't change that for the world.
[not the rumors, my school]

my life is worse then a roller coaster; its like those power drop things.
they lift you up and then you get this beautiful view, then your hurtled back down without any warning.

lately its been the ride up;
and the beautiful view is coming.

i dont want to think about that drop.

i enjoy reading a lot;
and sarah dessen is my recent obsession, with just listen and the truth about forever being my favorites.

i'm complex.

i'm hypocritical sometimes, but who isn't?

i'm very passionate about things, so get me started on one of those and we could talk until the earth blows up.

i like to talk;
i like to sing;
i like to act;

i'm a very loving person.
i make friends easily, and connect to nearly everyone about something.

i like to text.
too much, but whatever.

i like fufu berry jones;
and i could eat cherry popsicles all day.

i love summer, but im truly a fall time kind of girl.

i liked barney when i was little.

i owe my life to a few people; chelocean, dadddy two, and a few more people.

no one knows how hard it is for me to keep going without him, but it is hard.
but he wouldn't have wanted me to mope.

i was his favorite for a reason!

i can't wait until i bust out of this small town and head for chicago and/or new york.

i love big cities; this small town can't hold onto me for much longer.

i say the randomest things.

i love mitchell davis!

i spend a lot of time on myspace and you tube.

i hate accounting; but love it at the same time.

you can never haaaave too much caaaash.


well, i think i covered most of it.

if you are, like, dying to know anything else, just comment or message me.

January 23rd, 2009 at 11:39pm