Have you ever been pissed beyond belief???? I have been for the past week. After one 3 day weekend off from school, i come back to find my latest project gone. Who steals a students art work???? I can't believe someone would do it.

I worked more than a week on that shit, only for it to be gone when i had to finish the shoulders in my charcoal portrait! I could understand if it was a joke or something, but everyone i know knows not to f*** with my shit. I'm tired of the people at my school.

I hope that whoever took it returns it.

God my life sucks!!! >_<

And then today my friends drew all over my homework to make it obvious that i couldn't count. I had numbered 1-10, but forgot # 8.......then they decided they would leave little drawings all over it.....I almost cried because my paper had been so pretty......T_T

R.I.P. Homework of 1/22/09..........
January 24th, 2009 at 12:50am