He went from being lame (aka concieted) to being pretty cool (aka dorkier than usual).

Okay, before I start with anything let me just add that I'm a proud dork and I love being around other dorks.

There is this guy in my P.E. class, Mark (and Spanish class even though I didn't know until recently) and at the beginning of the year I really didn't like him. He was quieter at the beginning at the year and just a little more... jerky? He had/has this friend Grant who I strongly dislike because he call me a dumb-ass for no reason at all. Even though I am one he doesn't have to rub it in like sun-tan lotion. Anyways...

But yeah we used to tease Mark because he is a really tough quiet guy (and I guess you could consider him a jock). And one of the first times he went along with it without insulting me back was on a free day. Everyone was playing basketball except for the big "group" I'm in. He out of all of us though was sitting in the corner sitting in kind of an insecure way, and when we were all going to our role call spots because we were called he just stayed there. And I called back "Its okay Mark you can stay in your emo corner." After saying that I expected him to flip me off or something of that sort... but instead he did something very un-Markish if you will. Instead he made me laugh, by flailing his arms in the are and in a high pitched voice yelling "Yaaay!" Now after this I couldn't help but stop in my tracks and give him a confused expression. Now this made him laugh.

Also what surprised me was that there is this "popular" girl that's obsessed with him and he just... doesn't like her. I mean according to him he used to like her but... now just not really. I was at my locker one day and I heard her high pitched voice go "Mark why do you hate me?!" and all he did was give an awkward smile and walk away.

But, the one thing that made it clear to me that he is very unpredictable was just yesterday. In P.E. we were running I decided to take a break and walk a curve on the track and I noticed he was running with my friend Alec. Well they passed by me and as they did they made kind of a "Nyeew!" noise, you know what a car makes. And after that I yelled "Go speed racer! Go, go speed racer!" and he did the most hilarious thing. He crouched up his tall body and flung his arms out and swerved like an airplane type of thing. I used to think he was all about keeping his cool, but apparently...

I would write more but it probably seem like I'm obsessing or I like when I don't. Or maybe I do...
January 24th, 2009 at 05:23am