Weirdest dream.

Last night I had one of the weirdest dreams. I was at a mall, but it wasn't the local one; it was like some mega mall. Anyway, the first part of the dream, I was eating dinner with my family at this huge wooden table in some resturant, although not everyone there was from my family, they were extended family of my aunt's that I didn't know. I left the table to go outside and I see a guy from my video production class eating with his family so I stop by their table and say hi. I dont remember what he said but he warned me of something.

I see some old friends of mine outside so I say goodbye and leave. Things got sketchy from here. I kind of blacked out in my dream and then ended up in some sort of jewlery store like Claire's. A different friend is with me this time, but something is wrong. She's sickly pale and dead silent. She looked scared too. She began talking about this guy, this leader of some clan. I realized then that she was a vampire- and so was I! She gave me some sort of anklet that I had to put on, and I did. She acted like we were being watched. When we were outside of the store, she freaked out and told me to take the anklet off because the vampire clan leader would be able to track is with it on. She explained that we had to run away. I tried to run away from her but she stopped me and told me I could never see my family again and that it wasn't safe. I took the anklet off and tossed it in the trash. I felt very anxious and nervous throughout the whole dream like someone was watching me and the minute I was alone or vulnerable I would be killed.

And so it ended. I have no clue what it means. Some of the people were very irrelavent, and I never saw the leader guy's face, just his sillhoute. Very creepy. Any ideas as to what it means?
January 25th, 2009 at 08:38pm