My girlfriend became my ex-girlfriend today, just guess why. Stupid b*tch.

I have had some real, like, shit with girls. I don't get it.

I mean, first girlfriend? Loved herself more than she gave a shit about me, I was just some accessory or some shit for her, but I loved her, and I she still blows my mind she's so fucking stunning. I kinda hate that I was ever with her, but too late now.

Anyway, I just broke up with my girlfriend today. Amie. We were fine, far as I could tell, then she just fuckin dumped me. I don't get it. I mean, I care about her more than she can understand, she's beautiful and clever and funny and everything I want in a girl, then she just turns around today and is like, 'Ross, we're over, I'm sorry'. I mean, I asked her why, and she told me she likes someone else. Way to stab me in the heart bitch. Almost five months and she likes someone else. Great. Then, oh yeah, it's not you it's me line comes out, and is nicely warped to make things hurt more, 'but, Ross, I mean, I think you have some issues you need to sort out and I don't like how close you are with Danny'. The fuck. I have issues!? Geeez. Look who's talking! And close with Danny? I am not my brother, I mean, yeah, my bro is gay, but for fucks sake, doesn't mean I am and can I not hang out with my best fucking friend without my girlfriend thinking there is something between us!? Fucking stupid bitch.

Sorry, major rant. I'm just upset. I mean, it's not just the girl who fuckin hurts inside when you break up. Don't ever think that.
January 26th, 2009 at 12:57am