New Andromeda Never Seemed So Close

Right, so, lately, I've been working on a new version of Andromeda Never Seemed So Close. And I noticed that the name has practically no connection to the book at all, save for a slightly important character named Andromeda.
So, I'll be getting rid of the version I have on Mibba, and replacing it with the newer version. The reason for doing this is because the older version had many spelling and gramatical errors, and I really didn't like the characters. So this time around I made the character's more themselves, and almost everything is written better.
I like it a lot better than the older version.
So yes, the chapters will come out every week or so, and I have 2 chapters done already. So two weeks should be good enough to get the next chapter up within the following week.
Right then, I know most of you haven't read the story, or anything of mine, but I encourage you to look at this novella. It's something different from the mass amounts of MCR, FOB, A7X, and whatever else stories. Although some of those stories are good, and I have nothing against them, I just urge you to read something different for a change. Not saying my story is any better than anyone's at all, and what do you have to lose, really? A few minutes of your time? If you don't like it, then don't read it.
Anyways, I'll posting the first chapter now.
I look forward to making my readers happy.
January 26th, 2009 at 12:04pm