having fun? NOPE not at all

so today i am sitting here in the library waiting for my bus to come because i lost my bus pass and i cant get home till my bus comes at three oh my gosh it is so boring i couldnt be more bored me and my friend have been sitting here since like noon it is so wake we cant be loud there isnt much we can do on the computer and we cant enter the school

There is like nowhere else to go since its is cold outside. all we have been doing is searching random spell books off the computer and we have been checking e-mails and going on mibba but not many people are talking so this makes it alot more fun than usuall.

go us we are so bored you can tell i have nothing better to do because i am writing how bored i am for the world to see. i swear not having a bus pass really sucks but since i move to Alberta at the end of the week and i only have tomorrow to go to school i really dont have to look for it. hahah i bet you people agree with me that there is no point even looking for it.

i am so nervous about the flight and moving in the middle of the year i am freaked people wont like me for me. my parents and friends say that i will make alot of new friends but i still have my doubts on that
well enough complaining
January 26th, 2009 at 08:34pm