A Life Without Love : I'm A Stranger In My Own Body

Today i was accused of nine different things i have no recollection of. The hours pass by autonomously, i have no control. I watch the life I should have pass me by as the ones around me skip along frolicking in their ability to live. I am empty, scared and alone. A little kid stuck in the world of the emotionally disturbed adults, this is the result of a life without love. Afraid to receive affection that I am desperate to have, and dream of a day when i could give. Everyone I live with are in misery but they treat me as their trash can, so they leave with their agony in my hands. Their souls are flitting by but here I am, cemented to the pavement by the despair i have been grounded to. Can someone save me? Will anyone try? A I even worth your tome?
January 26th, 2009 at 11:57pm