My high school experience so far

hey whats up ppl my name is jadelynn. im 15 and a freshman in high school. we are halfway through the year so i thought i would let u know whats going down with my life. so here goes. i have about 5 best friends: theres missy who can get bossy(we call her pissy missy when she not listening lol), theres erica who i consider my little sister, Cassidy who is i swear my twin(bcuz we think so much alike lol), theres kristin who is always hyper except when she is heartbroken, and Nadeen who is an amazing artist. so thats my group lol. now to my love life. i have a boyfriend named brett who i have been dating for 4 months now and its been amazing!!! he is every thing a grl could want in a guy. hes sweet, he isnt afraid to kiss me in front of his friends, and he loves me just the way i am. now on to classes. okay i suck school wise. bcuz i hate doing homework and presently i hate school in general so yea. but thats high school for me so far. CHECK BACK IN AT THE END OF THE SCHOOL YEAR FOR A NEW ONE!!!!
January 27th, 2009 at 01:04am