Music is life

When people say I love music it's my life do they know how to read music? I'm just wondering because people say that and I bet they can't tell the difference between B Flat and A Sharp. Now I love music. I love making my own little tune when I play my flute. Music isn't just lyrics, it's a rhythm of sounds. Have you ever just listened to the rhythm and sounds and how they're being put together it's perfect like a puzzle. I think I love it most when I'm listening to Connor, Trevor and Brennon playing at the end of every quarter during basketball game. They play guitar, bass guitar and drums. I love watching Connor play because he's so into it, the look on his face is priceless. Then there's Brennon, when I watch him on the drum set, it's amazing. The way he makes you feel the drum and with that your heartbeat starts to go to the pace of drum and when he smiles at you, you can't help but smile back. Then Trevor, who looks like Jack Black by the way, is just amazing on the bass guitar. If only I could let you hear them. You would think they're amazing. Music is life and I know that A sharp and B Flatt are the same but they're not. Just like eye eight two much is the same but different from I ate too much. So is music really your life or are you just saying that because you can relate to the lyrics? Listen to the beat and maybe you can relate to that even more.

On a more personal note.
I don't know what to do. I like Connor but we've been friends for a long time I just don't want to ruin our friendship. We're good friends. It seems like I spend at least every weekend with him. Although because I like him, I don't want to talk to him. We use to go home together everyday after school but now I just don't want to be alone and think about what's happening between us. Maybe it's just me but I feel like we've been treating each other differently. I don't hug him as much anymore. He looks at me differently. He treats me differently too. Before it was just connor and ashley hanging out with everyone else now it's Ashley with Connor going to DQ after school sporting events. Ashley and Connor walking to the car and heading home together. It's Ashley's not going to school and Connor comes over to drop off her homework and make sure she's ok. People at school that I barely talk to are asking if we're dating. The answer is no. Connor's a great guy and I admire him and my parents love him. It's hard not to like someone who takes good care of you. He takes very good care of me, just like my dad does to my mom and my uncle to my aunt. I love the way he looks at me when we're talking and I love I am finally comfortable acting silly around him. But I can't tell him everything because I'm scared of what he might think. I wish I could tell him things and one day before it's too late I hope I do tell him what I want to tell him.
January 27th, 2009 at 03:41am