LeATHERMOUTH: XO LIve at Vintage Vinyl

Heyy!! Just got back form the sickest concert (if I can' call it that since it was small but just a awesome) of my life. I mean Frank was right there. I had eye contact with him! and there were this drunk girl. She shoved Frank- and Frank told her to shut up xD

I think me and my two other Friends were the youngest people there. In all seriousness. I met these two (maybe three) girls from Mibba. I remember one name was like xxxpixiedustxxx or something but I searched and got zip.

I got my C.D, my Dunkin' Donuts cup, and a index card all signed. I mean it was so SURREAL.and I said that and the blonde next to Frank was like haha that's surreal you look so young there. Cause my friend was getting a pic signed for her Bday. and Frank was liek that's from a year ago x]

BTW if you were there I was one of the people with the Bday friend. This isn't applebees xD Love that boy. Hat boy! He put his arm around me for the pic I took with him. I looked like a statue I hate the pic but he's sooo happy.

January 28th, 2009 at 03:22am