Just listen, that's all I ever wanted.

I'm sick of everyone. Nobody can just listen to what I have to say. JUST FUCKING LISTEN FOR TWO GOD DAMN SECONDS! Can't you see that I'm hurting? I'm fucking killing myself slowly just wishing someone will see what I'm feeling. There's no help anymore. Stop acting like you care because you fucking told me you didn't. You fucking told me you were using me. And the sad part is your still around. Every damn person around me told me they were using me. It's because I will accept anyone who comes along, BUT when I need the fucking help y'all aren't there? I'm tired of therapists trying to help me, I'm tired of the school telling me to not cut myself. I don't want to be happy, let me repeat that, I DO NOT WANT TO BE HAPPY. If I do there's going to be something that's going to bring me down. I want to keep cutting myself, forever. I hate it when everybody that comes into my room has to go threw my shit to find every fucking razor. I don't go through your shit looking for stupid fucking things. I'm not in your damn buisness twenty four fucking seven. Stop taking me to perverted doctors. Stop trying to live my life for me. I can do it so back the fuck off. Please. These people don't know half the shit I've been through. Not even one third. Hey mama I bet you didn't know your fucking little girl was molested. Did you mom? No you didn't. Everybody knows now because one fucking person can't keep their mouth shut. You were my best friend. Did you see me telling everything you told me? Hell no. I hope you read this you dumb bitch. Go ahead and tell me I'm worthless, stupid, fat, ugly, sick, mental, messed up, go ahead and put me in a hospital. I swear to god it would be better then living in this stupid fucking town. I'm a little messed up, but so were you mom. Look at your family, did they abandon you? No they didn't, so why are you doing it to me?
January 28th, 2009 at 07:36am