I might have a brother in law soon, scary, lol. :S But, can I, like, legally call him that?

Well, I dunno if you can technically call it that or not, I'm a little confused about it all.

Basically, my brother has been talking bout getting a civil union, or civil partnership thing, with his boyfriend of 6 years. I don't really understand how it works in some ways, I mean, can you call it a proposal? I think you should be able to, y'know, but then, I kinda think that a civil union isn't the same thing as a marriage and that's unfair.

But like, if my brother and his boyfriend got a civil partnership, I know I'd consider his boyfriend as a 'husband' if you like and as my brother in law, but what would he technically be. I'm really confused about it. :S

Just a little thing now I'm on the subject. Marriage is between two people who love each other, right? So why is it that my brother can't marry the person he wants to spend his life with and has to, like, settle for a 'civil partnership' thing. Surely that isn't fair. I mean, like the idea of marriage being between a man and a woman is bulls**t in my opinion, I mean, come on, what's the big f***ing deal? I don't agree with some of the s**t, but a civil partnership is the best they've got. I'm just kinda glad I won't have to deal with that s**t when I wanna get married to whatever girl gets my heart.
January 28th, 2009 at 09:17pm