Trouble cuz of Journals? [1.28.09]

Have you ever gotten in trouble because of your journal? I personally haven't because everyone in my family doesn't even dare to go near my journals. =D My English teacher was telling us these funny stories about the times she's gotten in trouble because of her journals. It was hilarious!! But I guess it really is a vulnerable thing to write your personal thougths down with the possibility that someone might see it. (Unless it's something like this where everyone is supposed to see it.) You know all those movies about the hero or heroine getting into sticky situations because their journals have gone public. But really, how realistic are those movies? The chance of someone breaking into who-knows-what and stealing your journal or you accidentally handing in your journal for a news article/short story contest is slim to none. Although, there are those times that journals do fall into the wrong hands and you do get in trouble for them. Here are a couple of ways that I've thought up of to keep your journals safe =D

Ways to keep your journals safe/How to know if someone's been in your journal:
- buy journals with locks (safe)
- keep your journal in a discreet place (safe)
- arrange colored rubber bands on your journal in a specific way (know)
- never leave your journal unsupervised (safe)
- leave at least 2 entries crinkled. The intruder will most likely want to smooth them out. (know)
- paperclip certain entries to each other and the covers. If they were moved you were foud out. (know)
- make a small rip in the cover of you journal and arrange a rubber band to be aligned or covering the rip. This is like the paperclip and colored rubber band trick. (know)

Hope this helps all you trouble making, opinion speakers out there!
January 29th, 2009 at 01:06am