Skills you gain after moving 17 times.

I have to say, if you ever want to grow up to be a ninja, or an assassin, move around a whole lot while growing up. You learn so much and, they should teach everything you would learn in schools, but they don't. Instead they teach you the moronic crap you sit there and regurgitate back at them until they are satisfied that you "learned something important."

Having moved seventeen times in my life time, so far, I've become a human chameleon. I've learned to take shit and squeeze sweet drops of lemonade from it, to take the worst and make it the best.

I've learned to make new friends, and to sway the masses. Using my silver embroidered tongue has become so easy; I could teach a new born how to pick up a date with a supermodel. To take a snake and charm it into a distressed panda.

I've learned how to reinvent myself, to make the labels fall off and die. I've been everything. A Goth, a goody goody, a plastic doll, and my personal favorite, a freaky genius kid. I've gone from most popular and loved, to despised and number one voodoo target, but in the end, with every new move I became more like myself.

From moving I've learned not to hate anyone, except Oprah and Dakota Fanning (they have it coming).

I've learned to forget, forget effortless loves, raging beasts and bitches, and of course those ever so clever people who call themselves your friend, but just seem to backstab.

I've learned to stab back with bigger knives, to turn the incredibly evil and cynical, into the harmless and fluffy nothings that coax clouds.

In the end, I've learned a lot, and sometimes when I'd would rather be skinned alive then move again, I remember what I've learned and what I've been through, and how I'm a better person because of it. Voltaire believed that the mind was a blank slate, when born, and that the senses are the pens, pencils, and typewriters which write on the paper of the mind, and I will gladly testify that this idea is a pure sense of the word genius.
January 29th, 2009 at 07:50pm