Would you rather have friends that secrertly hate you or be a friendless loser?

Right now I feel like my friends secretly hate me. I hang out with mostly guys because I don't really like talking to girls. But lately it seems like my friends don't want me around. I understand that they want to have a guys night sometimes but to not include me at all. Like Monday, I was back for the first time since I didn't go to school for a couple days and I normally don't see them until lunch but Monday they decided to go out for lunch and not invite me. So I basically felt alone at lunch. The only ones left were Sam and Enrikson. Now I adore Sam but Sam and I are not the closest of friends. Enrikson, I can only talk to when I'm alone with him because other people around don't get me like he does, he's seen a side of me not many ppl have. But the guys I consider family ditched me. Not only have they ditched on monday but they totally left me hanging today. Pep band was canceled because the game was held early and no one knew and I was just about to leave when I got a text saying that it was canceled. So I called my best friend Austin, to see if maybe he wanted to hang out for a while. Him and bui and whoever were going to pick up Trevor and Connor and go to DQ and said sorry guys night. They have been doing this a lot lately and they think I get over it but I don't. It's like this thing that happens, they think just because I'm happy, that I'm fine. I've taught myself over the years, not to show when I'm upset but now that I've been thinking about it, I really do think they don't like me anymore. I've lost friends before but this is just ridiculous. Connor, I understand because we only hang out when we have to...like when he has to come over to my house. Which is every few weeks...don't ask why he comes he just does. But Austin has just been acting so weird lately. Like if I start talking about a guy I might like he changes the subjects or ignores the whole thing and normally he doesn't, he listens to what to I think about them and now he just ignores it. Then Bui, he's like a brother to me and I just feel like a burden. Like I should just go away. Maybe I should just leave them alone. It would probably be for the best.
January 30th, 2009 at 05:16am